Monday, June 11, 2012

Swimming with the fishes

So I have been in Hawaii for almost three weeks now and I FINALLY went snorkeling at the bay that is a 10 min drive from my house. It also happens to be the bay where I will be working everyday. What have I been doing with my time?! Oh yeah... Being lazy and reading 5 mystery novels. Well better late than never I suppose.

Anyway, we bought snorkels and masks and flippers at Walmart and spent probably 45 minutes of our late afternoon swimming.

The fish at the bay swim all around you. It's crazy! They are everywhere! We saw like schools of fish and random lonely fish and rainbow fish and fish the size of dinner plates. I'm not gonna lie the fish scared me a little at first. But they were so beautiful and it was so fun to watch them eat off he reef.

The prettiest fish I saw was so gorgeous! It had an electric blue spine and it was mostly light green and had little splotches of pink and purple. AH! I cannot describe how beautiful it was!!! I wanted to take it home. I am determined to buy an underwater camera.

But by far the coolest thing we saw was a SEA TURTLE!!!! It was so cool. We literally just followed it around for a while and watched it eat off the reef. It was so cute. It kinda looked like it was flying through the water.

Oh, it was such a fantastic trip! I discovered, with the flippers, if I swam with my feet together I could go faster. Made me feel like a majestic mermaid. I probably looked like a fish out of water, flopping around, but I felt like a mermaid.

I can't wait to go back!


  1. All I could think about during this post was Pirates of the Caribbean, where Jack apparently escapes off the island by roping together a couple sea turtles. Think if I find some here it will work in reverse and we can hang out together in Hawaii? I think so too.

  2. I absolutely think that! So work on finding some sea turtles okay??
